
Brand New Readers Red Set: Some of My Favorite Books for Beginner Readers

Brand New Readers are some of the best books I've found for early readers. These books also offer support for parents helping a beginner reader. The front cover has a scripted introduction for an adult to share before reading the book. This engages the reader and improves comprehension. The back cover has suggestions for adults to make first-time reading easy and fun.

An entire version of The Chase is available for free online.
Check out this free copy of The Chase

The Chase is just one of ten books included in the Brand New Reader Red Set. Did you check it out? The introduction gets a new reader ready for the story and some of the words he or she will be reading. What did you think about the Helping Your Brand-new Reader tips? These tips are for readers who cannot sound out all of the words. Early readers benefit from these types of books, but I strongly encourage some phonics teaching and sounding out training.

You can teach phonics and sounding out in these books. I suggest making words with magnetic letters, writing words and pointing to some words to help a child learn some phonics rules and letter to sound relationships. One very important tip included on the back cover of these Brand-New Reader books is: "Give your child lots of chances to read the story again and again. The more your child reads, the more confident he or she will become."

Here's a list of common two-letter phonograms you can teach in each of the ten stories from the Brand-New Readers Red Set.

The Chase - ou, ay, er
Edna's New Coat - er, ew, oa, oo
The Big Fish - ou, oo, ow
Tabby Cat at Night - ee, ay, ai, al, ng, ow
Edna Dances - ur, ng, ar, oo, ee, ea
Piggy's Bedtime - ea, oo, ow
Snow Mouse - ou, er, or, oa, ar, ow
Water Balloons - er, oo
Yucky Ball - er, ew
In and Out - er, ou, ay


1 comment:

Jackie Higgins said...

I love the Brand New Readers. They are so affordable and definitely worth the money!