
Syllables in Words

This post will focus on the basic skill of hearing syllables in words.
Hearing syllables is part of a larger skill set called phonological awareness.

Syllables in Songs, Poems, and Stories:
Syllables are the beat of words. You can show your child the beat of words by clapping syllables in songs, poems, and favorite books you read to your child. You don't always have to clap. Be creative. You can use a musical instrument, nod your head, tap your fingers, or stomp your feet. Your child will eventually join you and do it on his or her own in time.

Syllables in the World:
You can practice hearing syllables anytime with your child. Sneak in clapping, tapping, nodding or stomping syllables in words at different times of the day until you know your child understands syllables. You can practice syllables of family names, objects in the room, names of stores, or places you've visited.



Madeline said...

We used to love clapping to my daughter's name--Marisa--with emphasis on the second syllable. Then we would do all her friends' names. It made the "music" (beats)of the words so easy to hear.

Parent and Child Reading Assistance said...

I hadn't thought of how adding emphasis to a syllable makes hearing the beats of words easier. It really does.