
What Are Phonograms?

Phonogram Definition: Phonograms are one letter or a group of letters that make a sound.
This site shares spelling and sounds of some common phonograms.
Phonogram Page - Daily Phonics 

Are you teaching phonics and phonograms?
Phonograms can be one letter or a group of letters.
You can point out phongrams in some of the books you read out loud.
Single letter sounds are usually taught first.
I like to mix in a few more than one letter phonograms as early as possible.
Start with a few at a time. I like to start with ou, ay, and oo.
Once a reader knows and is comfortable with letters working together it becomes natural to learn and look for letters working together to make one sound.

Here are some free sites to teach phonics.
Progressive Phonics

Would you like some free phonogram flashcards? You can contact me here, and I will email you the printable sheets. I use heavy paper when printing.



OurWanderingAdventures said...

Thank you for those flashcards! I have a daughter that was resistant to the phonograms in the beginning of the year when her teacher introduced them. I would work on them every night with her and on the weekends double time. Now she has surpassed the 1st grade reading level and is 75% done with the second grade reading book. She is only in Kindergarten! It's amazing how quickly they pick it up once they absorb it properly!

Parent and Child Reading Assistance said...

I'm so glad they were helpful.
Your daughter's reading growth is amazing. I bet she'll have a lot of fun reading this summer. I read an article this year somewhere about not pushing kids into all chapter books too soon. Some are great, but picture books are so beautiful and have great stories and messages.
I hope you go to the library this summer and get stacks of books that your daughter wants to read even if they are below her reading level.
I'm sure you've "heard" me say, "If a book has more than one in ten hard words it is considered at a reader's frustration level. This is a book where a child will need a lot of support have it read to them.
Thanks for the comment and thanks for following my blog.